Blog about our trip to Monterrey!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

walking, walking, walking everywhere

Wow. I don't know why my pictures are all spaced out but who cares! I don't have time to deal with that right now. I am doing homework and trying to update this blog at the same time. :) So today was our 3rd day here and we got the kids dropped off at the daycare without an incident. Drew wasn't real happy at first but he got over that real quick.
Today didn't seem as hot or as humid as yesterday but I think it was... We just weren't all over the place as much as we were yesterday. We got to school a little early and just sat and watched everything. Yesterday we saw the deer but today I saw the fawn and then the deer were right next to me. No one else was with me at this time though. I had left the first class to go check on the status of our ID's and the deer were walking with me. No one bugs the deer or the peacocks or the ducks and geese. It is pretty cool actually. I had to show these pictures to everyone so they could see the little baby.
We had 2 great classes and then we came home and had lunch. Well, we didn't eat at home, we ate at a place called Doña Tota and they have the best little gorditas. They are right down the street and cheap! Lots of different things you can put in them too. Delicious.
I had to walk back to school at 3:30 (HOT!!!) to meet with our contact and try to pay and all that other business stuff. Well, he was still in Saltillo so I couldn't meet with him so we will try that again at another time. I can't wait. I have walked so much in the past couple of days but that is what you do down here.
We went to the grocery store again tonight- Drew needs some weird bib-smock for daycare- and then we ate at Burger King. I know you couldn't tell that from the pictures. The kids had fun in daycare and Jared apparently has a new girlfriend but doesn't know her name. Lovely. He did not eat lunch and that is not cool and he will eat lunch tomorrow! I get to talk to the director tomorrow about this. He is having fun though and Drew didn't even want to go to Eric when he came to pick them up. I guess that means he is having fun, right?
OK. I have to finish my homework now... Time management is really, really wild down here with my kids, my students, the classes here and the class I am taking for my master's. I really must be crazy!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm so glad you put this blog up...Fabulous!

Why is Drew not eating? Different food?

It sounds like you have things fully under control....As usual!

The routine will come soon.... :-)

The pictures are great.

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