Blog about our trip to Monterrey!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Today was kind of a weird day. It was a good day but the organization was a little different. We went to class and then I started making a to-do list. I knew we had to leave by 2:30 to pick up the boys and then get to school by 3 so we could go on the art museum field trip. Well we get out of class at 1, have to eat, and then it's almost 2... I had to do some school stuff (Academy) that I knew would be time consuming and I also had to do some school stuff for here- little things but still things that took time. I decided to go back to the apartment and I worked here until it was time to go pick up the boys. I got a lot done- talked to our contact about Zacatecas, tried to pay for the apartments here but didn't get that done until after our field trip, and of course- finished the Spanish placement test grading. That wasn't so bad but I hadn't really had a chance to do it since the tests were taken about a month ago. Something about the end of school and preparing for this trip just kind of wiped me out. :)

So we picked up the boys and headed to school. We got there at three and that is when we were supposed to leave. All of my kids were there except for four. They went to exchange currency. We waited a few minutes and then we started to pull out. Of course that is when they came back. I think they were in Starbuck's but hey... So the bus goes into reverse and then I run across the street and let them know we were leaving etc. and I was a little tweaked. Oh well. We went to the Museum of Contemporary Art (MARCO) downtown and it was nice. We got to see the exhibits and the kids enjoyed them. They had 2 exhibits and the first was a little creepy but cool. Here is her website. She is from Germany. The technique she uses is really cool. The pictures are interesting though! The other artist was Tomas Sanchez I really, really liked his stuff. The details are amazing and the pictures are just beautiful. Check out the water- how in the world does he do this? Everyone enjoyed this artist thoroughly. In the pictures you see a lot of my kids. David gave Jared a piggy back ride and he really enjoyed that. Drew has his favorite kids too but his #1 fave is the bus itself. He HAS to sit in the front seat and from there we look for other buses. I enjoyed the picture of Drew sitting on Eric's lap.

We got dropped off at our apartment this time! That was wonderful since it was over 100 today and don't even start with the humidity! Oooosh! Eric and I brought our 2 goofballs to McDonald's. We hadn't been and it was right down the street. It was quite good. Drew enjoyed his nuggets and his fries and of course Jared did too. Then we all had ice cream. As you can see from the pictures Drew is working hard to get his out and Jared is trying to get all of his out before eating the cone.

After dinner Jared called Kyle and then Eric brought the boys to the park. Some of my girls walked by and they all came back together. Today Drew is particularly fond of Diana. They came to the room and hung out for awhile. They left and kids got ready for bed.

Tomorrow will be a busy day because we have to get all of our homework done before we leave for Zacatecas on Friday. I think it will work out for us to leave early- still checking on the whole hotel room thing. We are doing laundry tonight since we won't have time to do that this weekend. Next weekend we are going to the Horse Tail waterfall and that will be really awesome- it is just a day trip though. We would really like to bring the kids to Plaza Sesamo before we leave.

I guess this is long enough huh!!

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