Blog about our trip to Monterrey!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Low key day

Today was a good day. The money transfer went through but now I am having difficulty transferring money to Jerram's account. The big pain is that Eric talked to Bank of America before we left and "everything will be taken care of". So he isn't really happy about that. We will get it taken care of tomorrow.
We got our tests back in history and everyone did well. I think that gave them a nice boost. We are covering 300 years this week and it is a lot to have to remember so the fact that they did so well on the first test should motivate them to keep up this week. We also got our history copies so we didn't have to take so many notes and could pay attention to what was going on in class. In our business class there is a lot of work to do. I am not really part of that class because I have already had it and it's not fair to the others when we work in groups or do speeches etc. I feel like the team that I am on has an unfair advantage that way. So I just step back and guide them but that is it.
After class we went to pick up the money from the bank and that was no problem. The only "problem" was that it was really HOT outside! We had walked a ways so of course it was fun to walk back. But there was nothing pressing today so no big deal.
Eric and Jared went to the movies tonight. They saw "The Hulk". They thought the movie was fine and the movie theater was very nice. It's not too far from here so they walked. Drew and I played and played and played some more. He wouldn't let me be! We went upstairs to the roof and played some up there. As you can see from the pictures, he likes climbing into the basket on his stroller. He was putting crayons in there as well. We were getting very creative. When I brought my phone out to take pictures then he had to pose. I know some folks will not like the picture of him with the mirror. I don't know anyone else who ever stood like that in the mirror...
Tomorrow we are going to an art museum so we will pick the kids up early and then head to the bus and go downtown. Should be cool and it is a good outing for everyone. I don't know how much the boys will get out of it but Jared shouldn't mind because he loves hanging out with the kids. He has been doing such a great job here and I am very proud of him. His days are pretty full with daycare and then we try to do things with them at night. He usually reads to me from his Cooperstown book and we talk about all sorts of things. He has two loose teeth on the left side. One on top and one on bottom. He has only lost the two top and bottom middle teeth so it's about time to get these others out of the way! He misses Kyle and we try to keep him busy so the time will go quickly for him. He is supposed to go on a field trip Friday to "La granja de los abuelos" (Grandparents' farm) I know you guys may not understand it but you can see the pictures. It looks rather cool to me! I am sure he will have a really good time. We will leave for Zacatecas later that night.
Right now someone is playing their music nice and loud outside. It's not from our apartments but I can hear every word. I love that at 10pm!

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